cross-cultural training

Impress Your Global Audience with These 3 Presentation Skills

Such were the words of Lee Iacocca, the man who was instrumental in the introduction of several successful Ford car models. Through this article, we will briefly discuss a few tips that can help you to successfully get your ideas across to a global audience. 1. Deliver a message that […]

3 Keys to Developing Critical Thinking for Malaysians – From Local to Global

Let us imagine that you work as a senior finance personnel in the Kuala Lumpur branch of a multinational pharmaceutical organization. Recently, a decision was made to standardize your finance processes across all regions so as to create a One Finance Team rather than individual silos that operate with varying […]

5 Key Points to Consider When Making Conference Calls across Cultures

In the past, an international corporation’s Customer Inventory Planning was done separately by teams located in its respective regions. Recently, the company decided to merge its Asia Pacific and Japanese planning operations together. Senior advisers from both teams (a Malaysian named May and a Japanese named Kaori) arranged a conference call […]

Malaysian Telephone Etiquette

For most of us, an important aspect of our daily lives is the making and answering of telephone calls. We make and receive calls for a variety of reasons – to make appointments, to enquire about something or simply to connect with our friends and loved ones. Telephone calls are […]

CQ Self-Assessment Pro – Part 3 Benefits of the Assessment

In this final part of our CQ Self-Assessment Pro series, we will consider the benefits that result from participating in this cultural intelligence assessment. Designed to measure an individual’s capability for working and relating across cultures, the outcome will certainly prove to be useful insight for individuals and corporations looking […]

CQ Self-Assessment Pro – Part 2 The DeBrief

In this second part of our CQ Self-Assessment Pro series, we will discuss the processes involved in debriefing participants after the assessment has been taken. The debriefing session will be conducted by a trained facilitator, whose goal is to help participants fully understand their existing cultural intelligence (CQ) capabilities (drive, […]

CQ Self-Assessment Pro – Part 1 Taking the Assessment

Culture Boleh Global Training PLT is licensed to administer and conduct debriefing for CQ Self-Assessment Pro, a cultural intelligence (CQ) assessment developed by Cultural Intelligence Center, LLC. As a part-time blogger for Culture Boleh, I was given the opportunity to take this assessment and am excited to be documenting my […]

Manglish – A Truly Unique Malaysian Language

As a non-Malaysian, have you ever conversed with a Malaysian in English and found yourself confounded?  You thought you heard some English words used, but couldn’t understand what was being said?  Well, don’t be too quick to dismiss us as uneducated and backward for you have just been exposed to […]

10 Benefits of Cross-Cultural Training

1. People Learn About Themselves: Through cross cultural training, people are exposed to facts and information about their own cultures, preconceptions,mentalities and worldviews that they may otherwise not have contemplated. Cross cultural training helps people learn more about themselves through learning about others. 2. Encourage Confidence: Cross cultural training promotes self-confidence in individuals and […]